
We all know exercise helps decrease your chances of developing heart disease and help keep your bones healthy and strong. But did you know it also helps fight infections? As the winter months are coming around its tempting to give up on your regular exercise routine but many know that now is the best time to be exercising.

So why exercise?

Exercise increases the delivery of blood around the body and thereby the delivery of white blood cells. Your white blood cells are one of the systems responsible for battling infection. Increased delivery enables these white blood cells to do their jobs better. It is also suggested that being physical active can reduce the incidence of communicable and non-communicable disease and assist in flushing bacteria out of the lungs and airways.

Helpful tips during flu season:

  • Get enough sleep; your body will have the best chances of fighting an infection should it occur.
  • If you are feeling sick try and taper the intensity but get your body moving.
  • Before any workout – wash yours hands, before, during and after you work out to reduce the spread of germs
  • Exercise can improve mood, give you energy and improve mental health outcomes. Speak to one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologist today to find out more.
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